14 days and 14 love letters

Letters that you write to someone sure is something special. Now days its so easy to write a text and just hit send. Writing a letter from scratch, by hand, feels so raw and full of emotions.

Just because of this reason I decided I would write 14 letters to Vince. Why may have our problems, Love struggle, but I love him with all my heart. He is there for me when everyone else failed to be. He suddenly appeared in my life and a girl like me was bullied in school and guys laughed at me.

He didn’t. He listened and loved me back. He brought me up when I was down and told me I was beautiful and deserved nothing more than the best.

And the only thing I’m proud of is writing and if I may say so, I’m rather good at it. So I wanted to write down my love and feelings for him while he is gone in England.

I miss him every day and I get scared he will not come back. Realize that I’m not worth the trouble. I know he never would.

If you want to try this yourself, this is the 14 topics I’m writing about!

  1. When did you first know they were the one for you?  How?
  2. What is a skill they’ve developed this year they should be proud of?
  3. What makes your partner different from anyone else in the world?
  4. When was a time they made you blush?  (in a good way)
  5. Tell how they make you feel good about yourself (be specific).
  6. What is something your partner does that you think is sexy?
  7. When is a time you were very proud to be together to your partner?
  8. What have they helped you accept about yourself?  How?
  9. What are a few little things they do that just make you smile?
  10. Describe a date you’ve been on together when you had a lot of fun.
  11. If you could go back in time to a down-on-their-luck young version of your partner, what would you tell them about how awesome they turn out?
  12. What is a quirk your partner has that you find endearing?
  13. What is your favorite memory with your partner this past year?
  14. What one thing could you do today to make your partner happier?

22 thoughts on “14 days and 14 love letters

  1. Kenneth says:

    I have a box of letters from past girlfriends. Past as in 30+ years ago. A friend said I should burn them as they are dangerous to have around – both for my wife of 30+ years and for me.

    Any opinions on this.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Elin's Era says:

      lol, I mean I saved many letters for a very long time. From friends etc. I dont know if you have read the book “to everyone I have ever loved” or something like that. It have also been made into a movie. Its about a girl who everytime she fell inlove would write a letter to them but never send it. Just keep it. One day her sister sent all the letters in one go. I myself have started to throw away letters though.

      I did have a time in my life when I wrote letters to famous people. I have their answers left in a folder. From the Queen of England, Jerry Lee Lewis etc.

      I think its best you consider the pro and cons in having them 🙂


  2. FroZzen says:

    Remarkable, Elin! You’re doing a much better job than some couple councelors around. Well, some couple are doomed, but still it’s always worth trying to relive it, otherwise you’ll never know if you’ve taken the right decision. Letter should certainly help. Thanks for your idea.

    Liked by 1 person

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