The Sunshine Blogger Award

I want to start off with saying thank you to Decor Craft Design for nominating me for this award. It really warms my heart to know you love my content and blog. Funny enough the questions she asked me couldn’t fit more perfect considering its the start of the year and I was going to write about my goals this year anyway. A new year usually gives us the opportunity to start over or change something, a new beginning.

Here are The Sunshine Blogger Award rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you for the Sunshine Award and links back to their blog
  2. Answer the questions set by the person who nominated you
  3. Nominate other blogs and give them questions to answer
  4. Notify your nominees through social media or commenting on their blog
  5. List the “rules” and display a Sunshine Award logo in your post


The questions I have to answer is for the coming 2019;

  • The goal for your life?

My goal is to better my health. After around 10-15 operations in my jaw and teeth, I’m left with chronic pain that’s been getting worse with the years. It could also go hand in hand with the fact I went through a really hard breakup recently where I stopped eating, sleeping and taking my pills. So my goal is to get healthier again and happy in my daily job. Working at this moment is rather hard for me and I wish I could find a job from home that I can do. It would be easier on me. This is also why I have set a goal to publish romance/erotic novels on Amazon. It might not make me rich but it’s a good start and side income. Maybe I can go down in hours at my job to start with.

  • The goal for your blog?

My goal for my blog is to try and publish a post every week. I get very hyped up and then I get in pain and things come in between. But This year I will try really hard with my blog and writing. Its what I’m passionate about and I will try to show it.

  • Three things must do?

Publish at least 20 novels, start eating daily again and try to find my way back to love.

  • The desired destination you have to go?

England, no question asked why.

  • Precious memory to keep from 2018?

All the love I received and took for granted.

  • Biggest calendar event?

My little brother is getting married as well as my big brother’s kid is getting baptized.

  • Favorite movie that you have waited to watch?

Well, I haven’t watched the new Queen movie yet because I was going to see it with my ex. Hopefully, I get a chance to see it soon.

  • The wished skill you wanted to learn?

Forgiveness. I wish I wasn’t so hard headed and could forgive earlier.

  • The gift you wanting to share with others?

To be honest I don’t understand this question. But I want to share my love and life with others. In my mind, others will always mean more than me and I want to give them everything I have.

  • Curious food that you’re going to try?

I want to try more fish dishes. I’m not very good at cooking fish so I never eat it. But I will try harder this year.

  • Resolution?

I’m not the kind of person to do a resolution. I feel locked and will probably feel bad about not completing it.


I want to nominate two of my favorite retro and pinup bloggers. Retro Dee and Bella Bon Voyage

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